Saturday, January 28, 2006

Twin time vs. "real" time

Hubby and pumpkin decided to have a little guy bonding time last weekend. So that left Sweet Pea and me to hold down the fort. I relaxed leisurely with her on the chaise soon after they left. It occurred to me that I could venture easily throughout the house or even outside with just her and no constant worrying, wondering about another one or feeling like I incessantly have to get back to the other one wondering what he or she is up to.

We cruised easily and effortlessly down the stairs and around the living room and kitchen and stopped by the doorway and out on the porch to bask a bit in the fresh air, sunlight and breeze. It occurred to me that if I wanted to take a walk, I could just breeze easily up the stairs with her, walk into the closet, grab and throw on my shoes (all without even putting her down), and head out for a walk. WOW! Is this what its like with just one?

I imagine with Pumpkin at home, it would go like this:
Take #1 down stairs and set them in a safe place all while wondering if #2 is safe (I never realized how much us twin parents never even have the luxury of relaxing even our minds or being able to focus when we are with one and the other is not in sight-ALL OF THE TIME). Return upstairs to get #2 and hope #1 isn't fussing/crying (seems to happen at least 50% of the time). Grab #2 and shoes if able or this will require another trip. Place both babies in a safe place to get stroller, because the truth is I'm not going ANYWHERE with two babies without a carrying device. (This is usually the point where I decide its not worth it to go). Spend 5 minutes opening up double stroller and placing babies in or putting one in an umbrella stroller and the other in a front pack. Remember that I should have placed shoes on before doing all of this because I can't get them on now with baby in pack (In the early days at least one would scream their head off so he/she went in the pack right away. Then the next trick was trying to put a very wobbly second baby in an umbrella stroller with #1 hanging out in front of me). Take baby out, put shoes on, put baby back in. Race out the door because the time I had has now been eaten away because I didn't strategically plan the walk and my entire day usually becomes engulfed by getting things done according to twin time. Race back home and realize I am once again exhausted and that one little outing like that tires me with the whole twin time schedule.

I'm even more convinced now that 2 x 1 = 3 times as hard. Hope you singleton mom's appreciate how easy one is.