Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Special skills

Special skills I have acquired so far while being a mom of twins: ( I think its safe to say I can include multi-tasking as a skill on my resume).

1. Changing channels on the remote with my toes while I feed two babies their bottles.
2. Talking to my husband on the phone while feeding two babies (OK so we have a cool new phone that has speaker phone on it-VERY handy now a days plus the babies can hear daddy loud and clear. They may have issues down the road from wondering why he has taken on a mini shiny rectangle appearance).
3. Pumping milk for kids while attempting to calm kids in bouncy chair by bouncing it with feet (OK so this is one skill I wish practice would make perfect as they don't always calm).
4. Petting nutmeg the cat with my feet while holding two babies.
5. Venturing out into the neighborhood with kids BOTH in their Snugli's. I can only do this for so long as they become bigger and bigger...
6. Making lunch, getting ready in the morning etc.. with one kid hanging out in a Snugli.