Friday, December 23, 2005

Predicaments and other talents...

(Cold update) The little whippersnappers are on the way to recovery from their icky fierce virus after two long weeks. They're not quite back to sleeping in the cribs yet (still in the bouncy seats), still having a few coughing spells, a bit of a runny nose for Bri and wheezing for JT, but it's MUCH improved, no fevers and we have our smiling interacting babies back (just in time for the holiday fanfare). They were too sick last weekend to go and see Santa so we're going to try and fit it in tomorrow...

So in the meantime, here's a few pics of Bri and JT's predicaments they seem to get into when we aren't looking (I'm sure there will be plentymore in the future)..

JT has a talent for finding new and amusing uses for his binky and inventing binky holders when we aren't looking. See for yourself.

Mom what's this fish with a hole in the middle for?

Ahhh, its a binky holder!


Who knew? My bib can also....

..double as a binky holder!

Bri has a talent for getting her extremities caught in circles. We're sure it's a special talent but we aren't quite sure for what yet. Any guesses?

Hey JT, what does "old ball and chain" mean?


Hole in one, right daddy!?