Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Breastfeeding twins, Part II ( part I below)

So why go through these whole trials and tribulations when I could have just gone to formula at some point? 1. I am a person who finishes what they start (I'm finding it to be a horrible character flaw at times, just kidding...) 2. Well, yes of course, it's been determined breast milk is best, blah, blah, blah…and yes I want my kids to have the benefits (no this isn't a promo for La Leche League, they irritate me stating everyone can do it etc....) I am also a healthcare worker in pediatrics so I will be exposed to MANY germs when I return to work and the sweet peas will not quite be old enough to get THEIR flu shots when they start daycare. Also, it was SUPPOSED to end up being more convenient for me had things actually worked out. You know, I could pop ‘em on, hang out for a bit and viola’, done. No bottle washing, no dealing with bottle feeding two at one time or having to wash bottles or preparing bottles or listening to them crying while I pumped. And I could get out of the house with just me, no pumping before hand feeding or bringing bottles etc...And think of all the money we would save with not using formula (why I could use that money and take a vacation to Hawaii next year...) So in the grand scheme of things, I had many reasons initially to try it. I knew it would be difficult but had no idea it would wind up like this.

Unfortunately, I think I wound up having more problems than most and having to utilize the ‘solutions’ with the most work: 1. Pumping 2. Breastfeeding eventually and 3. Having to use bottles anyway afterwards to supplement the amount I didn’t make for them. Ugh. All I can say is this is NOT for everyone and I don’t judge you at all for taking the bottle/formula solution especially if you have twins and especially if they have any difficulties. When it comes down to it, the classes don’t prepare you at all for the obstacles. They just gloss over it and say how easy, convenient and less expensive it will be when this is not always the case. And if you don’t have saintly husbands, extra outside help, and mucho dinero for all the extra equipment, consultations etc…it can be impossible to do. So in the end, is it worth it? I’m still trying to decide.

Obviously I want the best for my kids, but the best for everyone is a sane mommy (whatever that entails for your household), right?. And in my opinion, if you don't go this route, there will be MANY times in the future that you can give other things 100%. I personally would like to see parents giving the same dedication to teaching their kids the skills of hard work, personal responsibility, emotional intelligence, honesty, financial intelligence etc.. The many other skills to dealing with life beyond infancy and initial good health. These are truly things that will serve them all the way through life. Shouldn't the fervor continue or effort at least be placed here much more than just in the first year? No, this isn't a new revelation I've come to with all this. I did feel this way before the whole breastfeeding trials and, of course, I do plan to help nurture and hopefully develop those things in my kids. (Hopefully I won't be challenged as much as I was now and thank goodness I feel much more prepared for the other stuff...) In the end, do only what you are capable of, right?