The first few months- The life of a twin mom
I started this post about three weeks ago and keep getting interrupted (in fact there's a Pumpkin on my lap right now-fjenxe just a short message from him). The first few months with the twins has gone amazingly quick for being awake for quite a bit of it. The sweeties are growing up so fast! We've trialed lack of sleep, breastfeeding issues and more feeding issues, diaper changing, baby sleep issues and BEST of all, getting to know the two little angels we brought home with us (well they aren't angels all the time, but I love them anyway).The first few weeks have been organized chaos. We were put on a brutal schedule of supplemental feeding with syringes for two weeks-(which I will never do again). The first few weeks are some what a blissful blur of gazing at them in awe in our arms, two hour feeding rituals and collapsing from exhaustion- rinse, lather, repeat. I'm thankful we have pictures of the blurry time and am amazed at how small they were. I won't bore you (yet) with breastfeeding twins (that's a whole other post) but lets just say: 1. Breastfeeding is hard no matter how you chalk it up. 2. BF twins is even harder and at least twice the difficulty. and 3. BF twins with poor suck-swallow after having a c-section is, well, lets just say- i'm either a glutton for punishment or a REALLY dedicated mom...I hope this immunity thing from breast milk works. Fortunately they are getting better every day as I weather the many other issues that come up with feeding...
It has been a wonder to watch them grow and change in the last 6 weeks or so. Things we have learned about our angels:
Pumpkin is outspoken, more serious than his sister but loves a good snuggling. He often speaks in grumbles and can often be seen with a perpetual adorable "frown" on his face (see monkeying around photo on his blog) and peeking out of sinister looking half closed eyes when he is tired. But the last few weeks we have been treated to a more playful side with wide eyes and big grins.
Sweetpea is sweet, docile and quiet little one with sweet little coos and adorable delicate hand gestures as she feeds, but don't be fooled. She can belt out a loud cry but only does when she's especially hungry or needs to be held or changed. They are growing well and now sleep about 2 four hour stretches on a good night and eat about every three hours during the day. We are now rewarded with wide eyed stares and wandering eyes as we talk and move-how nice to be recognized as mom and dad!
I'm fairly recovered from the c-section. It was slow going at first (Hubby helped me out of bed the first week and sometimes that took 5 minutes in itself) but I'm up and moving like a normal person now. Not quite off to pumping iron and tearing up the treadmill but I'm going to slowly work back into this (provided I have the free time). All in all, I've adjusted to the new life of having no sleep and two very cute tikes in the house. I feel very blessed but tired.
My daily life so way to feed the tikes:

NOTE: I'd like to thank my hubby for feeding the twins tonight so I could FINALLY get something posted. Thanks hon...