Up hill finish line
I have never been one to not meet a challenge head on. And life seems to always throw those lovely twists my way so I get plenty of them. You know the BIG life challenges. The ones that really count (job, house, love of your life, family) and can't be solved without going through agonizing processes.Examples:
1. A 1 1/2 year long distance relationship and lots of traveling to meet and court my honey 1300 miles away (not too bad, he's really cute)
2. Job difficulties in a crowded career field just after I have finished my Master's degree in field of choice causing me to scrape for work for a year and live in less than ideal living conditions depleting my excitement of graduating and moving to a new state with endless possibilities.
3. Or moving again and going through more job issues causing more endless stress for several months. This leads to us having to delay in buying a house and then getting kicked in the butt for "waiting" to buy a house (mostly the reason we moved) as the market crept out of range.
Fortunately me and my honey conquered these problems by PERSISTENCE, giving a good fight and a little luck. And when it comes to those major life issues (career, buying a house, having a family), I will gladly take all the luck I can get on having a family even if it means suffering a little more in the other areas. So I must say that I am VERY thankful that us starting a family has been perhaps the easiest thing we have ever done and nothing has ever been THAT easy for us. It seems issues always come up with the big LIFE issues and yet there were hardly any here. Amazing and true-someones watching over us =). Even if it is TWINS and I'm measuring at 41 weeks now with a horrendous cold, when I think of the outcome, it is very worth it.
But of course, let me vent just a bit, after all this is REAL LIFE and I am pregnant with twins, measuring at 41+ weeks and attempting to work as long as all is healthy. Ugh! This flu/cold is kicking my butt and there isn't a symptom I haven't had: runny nose, sore throat, chills literally, fever (fortunately not too high), vomiting (only once but that could be related to the pregs. stuff), head ache and more body aches added into my regular ones. Ugh!! I can't wait until this part is over so I can again enjoy the two wiggly little ones in my belly. Fortunately there is perspective. I will take the little ones however I can get them no matter what is thrown my way.
Here I am at the beginning of 32 weeks (taken last week).