Bits and pieces of the puzzle...
All is well in the baby realm. We went to a shower in the Bay area and received many special baby items (Thank you everyone!) My new favorite thing to do is go into the baby room and look at all the adorable baby clothes, especially the cute "matching" boy and girl outfits. It fills my heart with happiness with how much we are blessed and these are wonderful reminders. (These babies are going to be much better dressed than their mom).

We've chosen colors for the nursery, a kind of light blue (which Hubby claims is lavender) and a light green. We're just in the starting phases of beginning to get the nursery done. One couple in our multiples class was concerned that they were not going to get everything done in time and voiced this concern in class. We found out later that they are due one day after us and already have the cribs etc. We haven't bought ours yet (so are we behind?). I'm not too stressed about it yet.
It is clear from the class that preparation and schedules are definite requirements to "sucessfully" or I guess "as sanely as possible" take care of twins, especially the first few months. Good thing this is definitely one of my forte's. On the preparation realm, Hubby has been diving into the book thing in preparation for pregnancy and taking care of twins advice. Initially, it was difficult for me to dive into the baby book reading when I had morning sickness. I felt overwhelmed with the morning sickness and it was difficult to focus while writhing in pain. Now, I must say I do feel distinctly behind on my reading homework now since Hubby is ahead in this book reading about 6:2. I have a feeling I'll catch up when my size no longer allows me to do anything but read to prepare for the impending birth and arrival...
We've been attending birthing classes and doctors appointments as well and so far "A-OK". I'm glad we made the choice to attend the classes early and get them over with now. My doctor has informed me that I should be feeling what its like to be a full term singleton pregnancy in about a month. I guess the two + months after are at my own risk. So far the babies look great and are on track. It is a joy and reassuring to hear their heart beat or see them wiggling on the screen at the visits every two weeks. All in good time to see them in person- we're still preparing...