Birth Story
So I am finally back with a bit of time to write. I'm slowly recovering from the C-section, feeding the sweetie pies and surviving with little sleep. So here's how it all went down. As you can see from my last post, I was having contractions that started around 5:30 that night. I really didn't think it was a big deal and drank some water to stave them off. Around 7:00 I became hungry having not eaten since 12 that morning and Hubby suggested I wait, just In case of possible surgery. Well about 3 hours later, they still were not going away and were consistently about 5 minutes apart. Needless to say, this prompted Hubby to engage in a few last minute chore completions, (just in case). You know-packing the suitcase, getting pillows, vacuuming, wheel barreling the last load of dirt down the road to the dirt pile- the usual things you do before you are getting ready to take off to the hospital to deliver the babies... So with the contractions STILL not going away after such a long time, we decided to call the advice nurse. She suggested we come in just in case to get checked. So off we went, me still in denial about whether we'd actually have to stay or could return back home and wait two more days.We arrived at triage, checked in and strapped me up to monitors. I knew they wouldn't check me specifically yet for fear of speeding things up. After about an hour stay and some discussion about notifying the doctor on call (ours had been there during the day but was off that night), they came in and slapped on my handcuffs, I mean my admittance bracelet. I admit I kind of freaked out that THIS WAS IT and we weren't going home! Kind of silly I know, I mean almost everyone else usually has no prior warning to the big moment. I'd said I wanted it to be a surprise when they came (on the blog) but I guess the joke was on me...I got over the shock quickly and settled into the idea that we were finally going to meet Sweetpea and Pumpkin face to face real soon-yay!
We were officially admitted and they took me up to labor and delivery and we completed the usual pre-op stuff. This means pumping you full of lots of saline from an IV, dressing up in silly looking space hats and eating a tasty pre-op dinner of something that tastes like bitter salty grape gritty drink. And so we were set. Much to our happiness, who strolls in at about 2:00 am looking very groggy after a long day? Our doctor! stating he wanted to see what these two little ones looked like. He would be scrubbing in to help deliver, YAY!
They took me in to the OR about 3:00 a.m., administered anesthesia and started prepping. The spinal was freaky. I felt mostly numb from the chest down but a little tingly. It's weird to feel them moving you, the table and your belly side to side. They also gave me a narcotic or something like that so I was a bit groggy. The next thing I know, they are talking to Hubby and I realize he is now in the room beside me. A few minutes later I start smelling the lovely burning of something and I said "Hey, I think they've started already." A minute or two later, they are saying, 'Dad, are you going to stand up and take pictures?" Hubby jumped up beside me and moments later I heard my Pumpkin had been taken out first, breech. He started crying and it brought tears to my eyes. Next was Sweetpea who also let her little voice be heard. Unfortunately, they were whisked off to the next room before I could see them and Hubby went after to follow. At this point as they finished me up, I was really struggling to stay awake and the anesthesia was starting to make me shake. Hubby came back in one more time and showed me the babies as my eyes glazed over and off we went to the recovery floor. Hubby stayed with the babies as they got their vitals checked and periodically brought one or both of them out to update me. I waited for my shaking to stop and the feeling in my legs to come back which took about an hour. After it was all said and done, they wheeled me and the kids up to our room to begin the adventure of being new parents.
A Final word on my twin pregnancy
I thought that after this was all said and done about how miserable and huge I was feeling during the last bits of pregnancy, I would be totally relieved to get it all over with and mostly I am. Looking back on it, I actually do miss having them in my belly and feeling them kick and move. If I could have them in there again one last time (only one last time guys, come on I was HUGE), I would. Just to relive the moment one more time. I stare at them and am in awe that I had these two sweetie pies 6 lbs. each in MY belly. WOW. We did manage to take one last picture that night before taking off to the hospital.

37 weeks 6 days pregnant, 9 hours before delivery
All in all, the twin pregnancy was definitely more taxing than I had imagined but very worth it of course. I look back amazed at the journey its been-from finding out that I was pregnant last October to bending my mind around the fact that there were TWO, to learning all about and experiencing pregnancy and sharing it all with my husband, family and friends. I had my struggles through the morning sickness, the extra weight and difficulty with mobility, lack of sleep and the horrible rash. One week after they have been born, my stomach has yet to shrink back to normal and this will likely take a good month or so. I'll likely always be sporting my "twin skin" and stretch mark badges of honor as a reminder of what my body went through. But I am so thankful that most of all, it turned out to be non-eventful for the babies, that they did so well and I was able to carry them to 38 weeks. Such a blessing! We have two healthy babies, how wonderful and superb is that? We are truly blessed! Now, on to this parenthood thing...

Nutmeg getting in one last snuggle on the large comfy belly.

Pictures of the nursery. Cute clothes ready to go.