Pregnancy Symptoms galore into my 40ith+ weeks
If I had been blessed with just one honey pie in this pregnancy, I probably would've breezed through like a champ with very few annoying symptoms and probably would have been able to work up to my due date. However, I have been blessed with two and more challenges are appearing as I head into the uncharted territory of being beyond 40 weeks in size.The day has arrived to finally throw in the towel for work (not that my doctor hasn't been humorously urging me for the last few months to let him know when I've had enough-barring any serious issues). Well, I pretty much decided that during my irritating flu, I would not have the energy to treat patients after I spent a week earlier than planned finishing up my paper work. And since we really don't have any option of doing just paperwork forever, and two weeks ago I was getting fatigued after treating 2 patients in a row and then feeling like I needed to take the rest of morning off to get my energy back, my SI joint was being yanked out, and I've had way fewer contractions being less active, I'm now "resting" at home.
I say that with tongue in cheek, because just in time, I've been blessed to come down with what only 1% of pregnant women acquire (I'm such an overacheiver, right?)- PUPPPS or essentially a nice itchy rash that starts on the stomach and gradually spreads to the rest of the body. I had the rash already on my belly -( i got yelled at by some guy on Thursday at Walmart, in the aisle way across from me who thought he was being cute to STOP SCRATCHING MY BELLY.) And Friday I saw the tell-tale signs of it spreading bit by bit to my arms. Well by today it has made its way on arms and legs for sure. And it itches and pretty much nothing will resolve it until after the kids are born. That is, in MOST people it goes away after birth. I'm hoping I am one of them as for some it lasts several weeks or months or even returns sometime after. Ugh! I also suspect I still have a bit of the remenants of the flu and a possible infection so it's off to the doctor tomorrow. Sigh. Hopefully this is as bad as it gets =) Other very tolerable syptoms I've been having for a while-the swelling in the hands and feet and heart burn that just made a recent appearance. My wedding ring and fill-in ring are long stored away after not fitting and my calves are sporting pretty white spots from circulation issues.
Currently, I can't go anywhere without being stared at or questioned. You know, the casual glance that turns into-that lady is going to give birth right here, right now look. And being about 34 weeks pregnant means that your business becomes everyone elses. I get asked all the time when my due date is etc...or as in the case of one guy: When was I due, what were they? was it natural? what work did I do? where was I from? I'm hoping he was just practicing his pick people up skills and I looked like good practice-you know being married, preganant and all. I think I'm finally getting over my shyness and not wanting to be the center of attention.
The best part of course is that Sweetpea and Pumpkin are growing like weeds. I can't believe that they are 5-1 and 5-7 at 33 weeks. Maybe its a good thing I'm heading for c-section territory. They are more wiggly than ever especially at night and I'm having a hard time figuring out where they are finding all this room to stretch. I'm glad that all of the weird and annoying pregancy symptoms are just with me and they are doing so well!