Sunday, January 08, 2006



Well the holidays have come and gone and dare I say, I'm a bit glad all of the hoopla has died down and we can get back to our regular organized chaos. The kids first Christmas was fun, more so for us mostly than them. We kicked it off by arranging a "tree lighting ceremony" for them with video set up and all and we got entirely no response from them as the tree lights went on. It was pretty funny, the kids stared as if to say, "Whats all the fuss about?" Next year's sure to be a bit more exciting for them.
Mom and dad The kids recieved many cool toys to keep everyone in line (courtesy of Grandma and grandpa "A") and enough clothes to make them the next new stylin' duo of their daycare (Dad's Mom). Thanks all! A quick visit was had by Aunt K and Uncle K while mom and dad went out to look for a new chariot. Now they are thanking their lucky stars they are not having twins they get to see what next June will bring them when they have only ONE baby to take care of.
After a short visit back to daycare, the babies returned home with yet ANOTHER sickness. This time it was a stomach virus. After enjoying that both kids had taken naps right on my shoulder (isn't that the best thing!) on New Year's eve, Sweetpea awoke and I had another "new mommy christening moment" as she threw up down the front of my shirt and pants. (Happy new year to you to Bri)! Daddy also got his share and fortunately Pumpkin didn't get the sickness too badly. Sweetpea took about a week to recover. As of yet, we are still busy attempting to finish all those things that got backed up with the Holiday hoopla. Yes, if you are wondering where your holiday cards are, I'm working on them at this very moment. You should recieve them sometime in 2006.