Seventh Inning "stretch"
Sweetpea and Pumpkin-It has been seven months since you were born and every once in a while I get glimpses of the life we once had before you were born. Today I fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans (woohoo!) and I realized its been a good 1 year and 3 months since I last wore these things. How life was very different the last time I wore these jeans. While there are some things I miss (actually having time to workout-although this nursing thing is finally starting to pay off for me, going somewhere right after work-it's amazing how much a small little thing like that is good stuff, or sleeping more than 7 hours in a stretch), I wouldn't trade one bit of it for all your smiles. These sacrifices I have to make for you for the first year or for the various times in your life are well worth it. Often they are not sacrifices at all, just something I as a mom will always do.
You two are growing like weeds! It is an amazing journey to watch your skills develop from the perspective of a physical therapist and of course, as a mom. You two are now sitting up by yourselves for brief periods and I can enjoy curling you both up in the crook of my leg to play with or read to you both at the same time. After a slow start out of the gate with solids because of illnesses, we have discovered you are very good eaters. Yay!After all the hard work we've put into nursing...Here's a list of what you've sampled/food review:
rice cereal and oatmeal cereal (thumbs up from both)
acorn squash (thumbs WAY up from both)
bananas (both thumbs up with suspicious diapers for JT)
store bought peaches (pretty good but tart)
homade peaches ( thumbs way, way up)
carrots (Pumpkin-lip puckering rasberry blowing good, Sweetpea- thumbs up)
Speaking of nursing, somehow I've actually reached the point where I've grown to love it a bit. It is often the only time now a days that I can scoop you two up onto the pillow and hold you both in my arms while I tell you just how precious you are to me. Bri, you are such a sweetie as you curl yourself into a little half ball like a pill bug on the pillow and I wrap you up in the crook of my arm. Pumpkin, you are focused and when you get excited, your legs swing off the pillow like a car door swinging open. Often, I just let each of you hang out after you are done just to listen to you babble a bit or stick your tiny fingers in my mouth and stare up at me in wonderment while I jabber zzz's and ssss's and other curious sounds. Somedays, however, it is like wrestling two monkey's away from bananas that hang out of reach just getting you set up on the nursing pillow. There is just two much good stuff to see and do for you out there.
Each week I see a bit more of the special twin interconnection developing- some sneaky, some sweet. Hair pulling is now a favorite past time-each others and mine. Pumpkin, you show definite concern for Sweetpea when she is upset and cries and will stare in her direction with a look of concern on your face. But you fuss, fuss, fuss when having to wait your turn to be fed a spoon full of food. Often you will engage with each other in jabbering conversations, usually one sided where one of you will listen and stare as the other monologues. Pumpkin, your favorite word is now 'dada'. You repeat it over and over during the day several times and with lots of varying inflection- happy, curious, ansy- You have many ways to describe what you are feeling with the one word. Sweetpea, you love to babble away with your favorite word "baba." I can't imagine why, my baby sweetpea. (You each said 'mama" long ago, but I guess you found it too boring and moved on. I hope that means you are saving it for later for something good, right?)
Often, when together, you increasingly switch to saying more "ah, ahh" type sounds and I wonder if this is a secret twin language starting to develop. I'm sure you will put it to good use in outwitting your parents in the future... You are growing up so fast and as I told your neice when she was five, not to grow up so fast (She's turning thirTEEN in April-wow!), you are growing up SOOO fast and you aren't allowed to do it without my permission- OK?! I'm sad, mesmerized and very proud at the same time. Really, I'm looking forward to all the good stuff to come.