Monday, February 20, 2006

Just another manic monday...

We had a three day weekend and I was looking forward to relaxing a bit with hubby and the babies at home on Monday. We had grandmother visit and even stayed on track for getting most things done ( quite a feat in itself considering chores and misc. important stuff like ordering groceries and washing clothes got backlogged for weeks after the Christmas holidays). I'd left a few things to get done on Monday in between playing with the kids and relaxing with hubby. So as we lounged around with the kids and grandmother on Monday morning around 8:00ish in pajamas, hubby casually mentioned he was going to take a shower. I was on the floor still lounging in PJ's when he returned. Sweet Pea reached out for his pant legs while we were lying on the floor and I noticed they looked suspiciously formal. So I cranked my neck up at him to find him dressed in a pair of slacks and a dress shirt.

"What are you all dressed up for?" I asked.
"I'm going to work." he replied casually as if I already knew.
"What? You're working today?" I asked. Somehow in all the conversations we'd had all weekend, he never actually informed me that he was working today. No "I'm taking my mom to the airport at such and such a time and then going to work. No, I'm going to take a shower to get ready for work. Even though we'd discussed those things...I quickly scratched doing the extra load of laundry, going through the mail and updating finances and relaxing off my list and accepted the fact that I would be sporting my "medusa" hairstyle for the rest of the day with no time to straighten it after I washed it. I did manage to mostly enjoy the day hanging out with my pumkin and peanut to find out all of the cool things they are doing now. But sometimes a little warning that you'll be spending the whole day taking care of two infant twins by yourself (with nursing, bottle feeding and two solid meals) would be nice...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My Valentines...

I have the best Valentines. All four of them arranged a surprise for me. Boxes of chocolate are just icing on the cake. Here's a few of my favorite photos.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Gotta have fun...

So the hubby and I got out for a little outing. (See post here on his blog). I noticed someone mentioned a snow storm or something in the eastern U.S. (When you are parents of twins, sometimes you are lucky to skim the headlines for news. When someone mentioned the subway strike in NY was over, I was kind of like "Strike? , What strike...).

Well it was a beautiful day here in Sunny Southern CA, 88 degrees or abouts. It got me thinking all the fun things we can take JT and Bri to here when the weather warms up (OK, STAYS warm...) and they are a bit older: the beach, Legoland, Sea World, Disney Land, Wild animal Park, the water park down the road, the zoo. Growing up in my household, we were lucky to squeeze in an ounce of fun with all the work we were busy with. And not that I don't want my kids to be responsible. But if they've done a great job, then they've surely earned a trip to one of those places, right? It's gonna be so fun to see their faces light up in delight.