Having Twins and Twin Tips

Yes, we had twins! This is about my adventure of a twin pregnancy and learning to be a mom of twins. Follow me through the daily triumphs and tribulations.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Two peas in a pod
Its only been 3 months. Three months + nine that they have been hanging out together. And yesterday, they noticed each other, REALLY noticed each other. (Mom, who's the babe hanging out next to me? He/she keeps showing up and I've been trying to shake 'em like baked chicken). They stared at each other yesterday. Lots of long, good stares. And at one point, he jabbered some baby talk and she stared back, smiled and laughed. Oh the fun that is to come. I can't wait to see more...Wednesday, September 07, 2005
The daily grind
{Ahhh...a rare kiddy duo nap. I finally have a chance to update...}I've thoroughly enjoyed my time off work with the sweetie pies and things have settled down to a slow sprint as I learn the ins and outs of twin mania while at home by myself during the day.
While I "play" with children at work, the best part of being with mine has been seeing them grow everyday, develop in so many ways and become little people before my eyes. Pumpkin grows more handsome every day, his hairline is filling in and his eyes are growing more sparkly brown by the minute. He is cooing, oohing and ahhing with such expression and highlights these noises with specific expressions in raising his eyebrows and motioning his hands. He can raise one eyebrow when prompted (a trait acquired from mommy). He cracks into a big grin in a flash and loves attention (a trait acquired from daddy). He has discovered his hands and is now using them to hide the top of the bottle so mom and dad won't notice it is on the fast flow, to grab and eat his blanket for dessert and to hold and eat stuffed baseballs. He lets mom and dad know that he is ready to crawl as soon as his arms are strong enough by squiggling up our chest when being held and loves to be walked around.
Sweetpea can be heard cooing up a storm after her morning feeding in her crib before she drifts off for her early morning nap. She is sweet, loud at times, quiet during others and always adorable. Her eyes have settled into a dark brown with a fleck of gold in them. She's got her brother beat (for now)in lifting her head while on her tummy (Pumpkin has taken to sucking on fists while in this position instead), although mommy and daddy are 'ashamed' to admit she came down with "Oprah torticollis.' This is where she strains her neck to the left to watch the TV when Oprah comes on and continues to only use that side. And since mommy discovered that she burps, feeds and changes all diapers right handed even though she is left handed (don't ask on that one-I also play pool right handed, cut with scissors right handed and golf right handed with hands switched up-down so...), I've since switched the above and Sweetpea's neck has 'recovered' nicely (although she still stares at the screen wondering when Oprah is coming on even when the TV's off).
I've settled into somewhat of a daily routine. Sweetpea has been sleeping through the night (8:30-6:00) for about three weeks and it appears Pumpkin has successfully accomplished this last night so we are hoping it will last for a while or forever would be good too. I let them take naps as needed during the day and unfortunately for me they don't like the same time (Sweetpea likes mornings, Pumpkin afternoons) but I figure the natural pattern will help at night. The kids were down to eating every 3-4 hours for a while but once they started sleeping longer, it went back to every two hours so we are adjusting for that. Both are getting mostly breast milk (as much as I can keep up with pumping) in bottles and formula when needed. It does appear that Sweetpea has finally become the barracuda that I had been hoping for and she can now successfully breastfeed along with Pumpkin. So I can leave the cave now and not have to worry about being tied to my pump or back within the 4 hour "time limit." (Thank-god!)
Now the real story is whether we can all get out of the house before I am too exhausted or will have time to do anything. I've done it a few times and it does become easier each time I do it and learn ways to cut corners. I am bound and determined to "get out and about" and go to the beach, zoo etc while I'm on leave to enjoy things a bit and keep my sanity so I'm continuing it once a week. If you read Hubby's version of an outing, picture that without another person helping you to get out the door, pumping and feeding the kids before hand, returning to an empty house hold when you get home and you'll understand why a twin mommy sighting with kids this age is a rare occurrence out in the real world.
{Wow, they are still asleep having eaten only 3 times (6am-4pm) and are taking a 2+ hour nap AT THE SAME TIME...today is a good day. OK just as I type this, Sweetpea is waking up very hungry, gotta go...false alarm although I'm sure the real thing is around the corner so more later...}