My furry side kick...
I have two furry side kicks in the house, but in this post I am referring to the smallest one. She is my sweet adorable kitty who has taken a definite spot by my side during this pregnancy. In the last few months, she has become EXTRA snuggley and it is such a cute thing. There is no doubt that she is aware SOMETHING is going on in her "mama's" belly and wants to be protective and a part of it. She has become a permanent fixture curled up in my legs during my daily naps on the chaise after a long days work. She will even negotiate my mountain of a belly now to curl up on her old spot which has grown and she has become quite accustomed to the mini 'earthquakes'underneath her.
And she is now sleeping at night with us, draped across my legs, tummy and the large body pillow at night. This is the first time she has ever done this since we got her. Her "old" spot was always curling up in the kitty bed on top of Hubby's dresser watching over us. And if she draped herself over us or crawled under the covers to warm up on the very rare occasion, one move of a leg and she was out of there. Now as I struggle to roll over and lift up the covers she is lying on and it is clear she isn't budging and staying right where she is. As much as I value my sleep at this point, I don't have the heart to kick her off of me and rather enjoy her presence.
The other week she lay on my belly and side and had her paws resting on my belly when baby boy began kicking directly under her paw several times. She was acutely aware something was going on but not at all disturbed by it. She seems aware that something different and special is going on but won't be giving up any belly or chest snuggling spots any time soon.
Hubby and I have discussed decorating the guest/kids bathroom with a cat theme. I found this adorable site of cat art parody which is hysterical and would be the perfect combination of adult humor and kid fun. I love the van Gogh impression
(click here to see van Gogh's Naughty Cat).
It fits our cat completely and we'll be able to teach the kids to appreciate art and cats all in one.
Nutmeg snuggles with the twins
A few bumps in the road...
The past few weeks have been filled with entertainment of various kind. We had a wonderful baby shower last weekend and we enjoyed hanging out with all of our family, friends, and co-workers. Everyone was very generous and we're headed for baby universe at our home. Reality is hitting home as I look around the house and see all of our baby stuff and as the nursery comes alive with toys, clothes and color. Amidst all of the excitement,I tried not to overdo it. But in missing a nap here and there and having a few poor nights of sleep, I wore myself out a bit and had the fun experience of almost passing out at work. Fortunately I was sitting for a while due to nausea, when everything began to go fuzzy and I waited for coworkers to lead me off to lie down. After a bit of lying down and eating a couple of snacks (something I do anyway normally while at work) it all went away. Yes, there is a reason my wonderful hubby appears to be at my "beck and call" when I get home and I'm learning to take it easy even when I am feeling good now.
And so this morning I was awakened by a case of what I thought was indigestion. I got up at 4:00 a.m. and went to get some rolaids and of course,use the bathroom. I had just returned to bed and was getting as nice and cozy as is possible with a huge belly when all of a sudden the house started shaking and creeking and then came a big bump and it quieted down. "Its an earthquake!" I yelled as Hubby jumped out of bed and I could see our cat Nutmeg stand up in her perch in the darkness (she's used to the small 'earthquakes' while lying on my belly). Fortunately it ended quickly and the babies only got a small dose of adrenaline from me, but that wasn't the only excitement of the morning. I began having BH contractions about 10 minutes apart along with the abdominal cramping continuing. When they still didn't let up we called the triage nurse at 6:00 am and after talking to the on call Dr., she said to time them and if they still remained around 10 min apart to head up to the hospital. I continued to rest and fortunately they became sporatic with some 7 min. apart and some 20 min. My Dr. told me to keep tabs on the time and to take it easy today so we stayed home. The contractions have mostly quieted down-still here and there and I'm hoping they'll go away as they have in the past. Needless to say, we began packing our hospital bags the rest of the morning (I had planned to do that this weekend anyway). I guess the kiddies got some inside info that they have lots of goodies awaiting them and wanted to possibly take a peek. They were a little wiggly and upset that their womb with no view kept shrinking and squishing them but NO PEEKING ALLOWED!