Stroller Shenanigans at the Zoo
Here's how it all went down...
"You distract her while I grab the binky"

"Hey, Bri! Look! A big Kitty!"

"Let's go, Let's go, Let's go!"

Gifts (Mother's day)
Pumpkin and Sweet Peanut,
Thank you for giving me the wonderful gift of being a mother. As my gift to you, I promise to always cherish the love and joy you bring into my life, to make sure you know through examples and words how much I love and respect you and to hold steadfast to the understanding that being a mother also comes with sacrifice and putting your needs and concerns first. I promise to teach you tools for dealing with life's endeavors, to help cultivate the person who you will become but to allow you make your own decisions and choices. I promise to let you go when you are ready to go down your own path in life and hold tightly only in spirit or when you ask for a helping hand. As a mother, these are the greatest gifts I can give you.
(By the way, I've always thought there should be a "Child's Day" where we should honor the children. This is as close as it gets, I guess). And as a mom of twins, I promise you get twice as much love, not half as much!
P.S. Thank you for the sweet kisses and hugs for mother's day (and every other day). I can't wait to get all of those wonderful things like homade mother's day cards in about 5 years! Being your mom is the best!
Heart strings
I read a quote recently that said:
Having kids is like taking your heart out of your chest and watching it walk around. I am reminded daily how lucky I am to have you two precious ones in my life, my peanut and my pumpkin and the little joys in watching you grow up. I can't believe you guys are 9 (and a half) months already. When your daddy told me that you were 9 months, I tried to argue with him but he was right (this doesn't happen often =). Your 9 month birthday had snuck up on me. (Let it be noted, I didn't make this argument when you'd been inside me for 9 months). But you too are still very much our babies and I'm enjoying your babyhood as long as it lasts.
Babies you still are, but I see glimpses of the little ones you are going to grow into-bits and pieces of who you are. So far, you are scoring in the top ranks of adorableness but are making mommy look 'not so good'
as a pediatric physical therapist, personal trainer and previous track star. What's up with that? =) It seems that you have not taken this crawling and walking thing very seriously. But it seems with all the sickness you've endured ( two RSV bouts and one stomach flu battle just in the last 3 weeks) moving around probably hasn't been on the top of your list. Not to worry though little ones-family history is such that daddy did not walk until he was 14-15 months and mommy was late as well, and judging by our collection of track medals, we weren't hurting too badly in that department despite taking our time. Besides, I've been told by many mom of twins that once you two start to move, I will enter the hugely exhausted stage again, (what, I'm not there now?). So for now I'll enjoy sitting myself on the floor watching you roll and scoot happily for a bit longer.
There are many sweet things you have learned in the past few months for those
tug at mommy's heart strings moments and you have already learned to use them to your advantage. You both love to reach up at my face, point at my nose and "beep" it with your fingers (Daddy's nose "honks" due to the size) and you love to play pattycake. Often you two will distract me during nursing time and are just too cute that I forget what we are really trying to get accomplished and we play for a bit. Sweet peanut, you love to tell me you are 'all done' (in sign language) ANY time daddy or nutty kitty enters the room. Even if you just began eating. Pumpkin, while you prefer to grumble until mommy picks you up to feed you, you use the "more" sign and daddy reports he spotted you doing the milk sign in your sleep the other night.
Both of you give the best kisses and hugs when we ask for them, opening your mouth and planting your lips on our cheeks and then will do a proud wiggle dance for your accomplishment. You also both love the phone as I'm always calling and talking to "daddy" over it on speaker phone. My fear is you may not learn how to actually put it up to your ear and use it correctly.
Sweetpea, you are becoming a sweet, independent and occasionally a fiesty little baby girl. You let us know when you are not happy but other than that, are full of smiles and baby girl giggles. Pumpkin, you are mostly easygoing, serious at times, happy and playful and grumble just a bit to let us know when you aren't happy. While I can't wait to discover more surprises and share more endeavors with you, please be kind with my heart strings and try not to use your cuteness to your advantage too much. I don't need a heart attack yet. I hear that will happen when you guys become teenagers.